Gimmie Back My Freedom
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
  SMH: Scotland thinking about divorce from UK
From Sunday's Syndey Morning Herald: Scotland thinking about divorce from UK

There are a few things that it says to which I take exception. Now, they are perfectly free to say those things, but they just rub me up the wrong way.

"Perhaps it's just a passing midlife crisis, but two new polls have found for the
first time a majority of Scots say they would prefer independence to remaining
part of Britain."

Really? In 1979 a referrendum returned a 55% majority (of those that actually bothered to get out and actually vote) in favour of independence. And more recently in 1998 an ICM opinion poll suggested 52%.

"separatist sentiment"

Nice alliteration, but I feel that the words have a very negative and xenophobic connotation. I don't like "separatist" because the Scotland that I live in is a very culturally diverse place. We welcome, and have done for centuries, people of all nations to Scotland. We recognise that we are stronger through that diversity. That is hardly a separatist agenda.

Curiously, I also discovered this almost identical article published by the Kansas City Star.
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