Gimmie Back My Freedom
Monday, July 24, 2006
  A generation that is independent of mind, confident and forward-looking
Today I read that the SNP (Scottish National Party) is to make "Free Education" one of its pledges for the up coming election in Scotland next year. This is something that has to be supported. Education is one of the most important things that give us freedom.

As a simple example. Consider the act of purchasing a house. Unless you have been educated in the appropriate laws it would be difficult to conduct the transaction yourself. You have a dependency on the solicitor who is performing the transaction on your behalf.

Purchasing a house is not a frequent act and I'm glad to pay a solicitor for doing work correctly that would take me days to figure out myself with the probability that somewhere along the line I got something wrong. But, in life in general I don't want to be dependent on others to make decisions for me. Would they really be looking out for me? I guess my immediate family would and some very close friends might, but other people? Would the state be looking out for me with my best interests at heart? No, it would not. And quite frankly I wouldn't want it to, thank you very much!

Education therefore increases our ability to be independent and act according to our own beliefs and not those thrust upon us by someone else.

Nicola Sturgeon, the Deputy Leader of the SNP said that "the SNP is determined to create a generation that is independent of mind, confident and forward-looking." Quite right!
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